inspire, enlighten, encourage, strengthen, and challenge you to be responsible for your own choices,
decisions, and actions to become your very best version.
"what you truly want to think, say, do, find out, and heal...
is yet to be fully discovered,
so when you are guided to reserve my time,
I'll hold a safe nourishing space for you at a high frequency/vibe
that only an Arya / a Sangha / a Twinflame / a Monad embodied being will be able to.
and may we find out your true potential,
to revive your evolution;
physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually and spiritually,
which you already knew within,
but simply may have forgotten partially or fully,
and together...
we shall enjoy the ride."
needs to be developed, based upon authenticity, respect, and trust,
as it is indeed the vehicle through which any change or transformation
can efficiently and effectively occurs.
If that connection isn’t there, no amount of structure nor content can hardly matter.
having that strong, deep, and purer connection makes it easy to;
avoid psychological traps, see blind spots,
explore untapped potential,
and discover hidden opportunities for growth,
you may have missed.
a guide may challenge to accelerate your growth,
point out the shadow patterns,
keep you accountable to your goals, and help you integrate your insights.
now it doesn't mean there's a either a structure or none...
"Issa, for me was a good luck to meet him in Colombo
and I had a great time.
That was something specific for me, that was what I needed.
to relax and to see life from another side to my life.
after when I met you was curious to know more ,
about mind and meditation.
and I started to care a lot more about myself "
- MS
"I had listened to many different philosophies
and life advices for 47 years.
Never have I heard the truth in it's true essence like this.
no words!"
- AD
"Thanks for your time and energy yesterday.
everything and all advices conscious in my head.
broad subject in few hours.
woke up like a brand new person.
I'm not kidding, Seriously Never forget this in my life.
Now I think and act different.
no one has shown me the right path with good examples.
Without the perfect explanation it's hard to understand.
thank you..thank you. thank you."
- DB
"how you made me see myself through you, just wow,
you cheeky bastard, l'd have slapped you lol.
if I didn't know you and love you this much.
that's just pure brilliance.Thank you."
- IB
"You are a gift! thank you. truly a heaven sent."
- MP
"You wonderful being! can't thank you enough,
for unleashing the true goddess I am meant to be. so grateful."
- LM
"I was going through a tough time
because of a difficult situation I have put my self in.
Eternal flames were burning me from inside.
I was trying to find answers, tried fixing it for years, nothing helped.
Issa explained the world of philosophies.
I asked myself what is our purpose on earth for many years.
But not anymore.
Because now i know. Don't believe me.
Find it your self. Experience it your self.Then u decide.
two ways u can do this;
1. You can study yourself or
2. Ask from a person who has found the path and seen the light
Only thing u need to know is,
you cant learn mathematics from an art teacher,
Key is finding the right teacher. I chose the second way.
Issa is my teacher.
I'm not going to thank you Issa,
coz no words can express that"
- CR
"your guidance is super powerful and
gives me so much clarity and perspective,
much merits to you, if not already"
- NW
"We need to have people like you in our lives,
with whom we can be free and as open as possible.
To have real conversations with someone,
may seem like such a simple, obvious suggestion,
thank you for guiding me,
to cultivate the courage and wisdom"
- RN
"I will not thank you enough for shaking me, showing me ,
guiding me how to master my true feminine energy,
utmost gratitude everyday."
- NK
"A conversation with Issa,
it changed my life, how I thought.
because it was insightful and inspiring.
He is very open minded.
listens and speaks from the heart directly to yours.
an invaluable friend
who can guide you on the path
to your own spiritual coming of age"
- AA
"Thank you and forever grateful
for overloading my every sense
with astonishment and unconditional love."
- SS
"Thank you. I love you. Your energy is soothing and super healing.
I didn’t see this in such clarity before but I see it now and
I appreciate you for all that you are and the light you hold ,
see you soon"
- DP
"Thank you for all your time and advices
and saving me from this agony!️
u are such a blessing!
Grateful to have met you"
- UJ
"I have seen four different shrinks over the years,
they were just dragging with no real resolve.
2 sessions with you and I'm glowing on the path to evolution.
So excited for the journey, just began.
thank you till next time."
- ST
"thank you for all that you do, i appreciate you so much,
and there's such pure love in my heart for you
thank you thank you thank you"
- DW
"At last am so glad that I decided to come
even though some strange force kept stopping me,
like I said there are other things that’s disturbing me
and I felt like things are falling apart.
Yet to-date I didn’t realize it
and I was struggling to find the root cause.
Now I'm starting to see it through and thank you sooooo much Issa.
I have no words to explain how helpful you are,
your wisdom and patience to go through the process with me
to breakdown the issue and
get me to think of the root of the problem.
It’s so strange that it helps to clear out my mind,
even from the little I talk to you,
it’s like u have super powers.
I'm going through this for the first time and
your advices are much needed.
it will take sometime but today’s visit certainly helped me
to come out of it to a larger extent.
I know there's a lot of work, but I will not stop.
Well I am not so unlucky after all because
I have you in my life to get spiritual advices
Issa you’re a real angel sent from above to help heal people like us.
thank you soo much and god bless you!! much love"
- EV
"your remarkable calming presence,
the first thing I felt when I met you."
- MM
"When dealing with adversity,
at times you feel like you don’t have the strength to stand anymore,
do not allow yourself to see that as a sign of weakness,
it is just a sign that you are human.
Allow someone who cares to be strong for you."
- PN
"Thank you thank you thank you.
you are a beaming being
whose bringing the universe back to consciousness,
thank you for being ever so present, incredible you are.
I love you so very much."
- IT
"thank you for the positive impact that you have made
in my life in many aspects.
Being a friend in need , mentor and idol ,
you are the only person that i can share my personal issues ,
work and family life balancing difficulties
and all other stresses that we all have and struggling with.
Thanking you for listening to them and
trying to give answers to all the questions
and the art of you connecting them with Timeless knowledges,
is next level.
And i try to practice what you preach as much as i can
and it is helping me a lot.
Specially to clear my mind and see the real picture with an open mind. so keep doing what you doing helping people like me .
Thanks again and
may the tripple gem bless you."
- TM
"Our convo truly did something to me,
i don't know how to explain it,
i feel like i climbed couple levels up with so much ease.
you explain in ways that i can understand"
- FW
"You are a kalyanamitta in everyway,
your advises which came from a perspective of a friend
was more relieving at all times and fun!
If Dhamma is a mother,
you are the brother born from that same mother"
- SD
"you are the most unorthodox healer I've ever come across,
love you! thank you for that 8 hours of pure bliss "
- NP
"Thank you and thank you for breaking frames.
You were bold enough to speak the unspoken truth
when most choose not to..
thank you for opening my mind
to know that there is always a choice
and it's in our hands to take control
of our destiny"
- AR
"heart is feeling the supreme bliss.
Thank you for planting the seed.
Guiding me with unconditional love and
being the light you were to me."
- GK
for the Beings
who has the need, time, drive, energy, and potential,
to evolve to their best.
when they;
- get hurt enough, they have to
and / or
- stuck / spiralling enough, they're forced to
and / or
- learn enough, they want to
and / or
- receive enough, they're able to
and / or
- perceive enough, they're inspired to.
a consciously evolving/ascending being,
who's setting ablaze new pathways in multi-dimensions,
who has been guided, trained, and put through hell and back,
to give an unconditionally loving nudge in your evolution..
equipped with an armamentarium of
ultra unique skills, talents and abilties.
a PRO.
but if you'd like some labels, or ask me in person ;)
what's worked for me,
why and how you should/could customize to your own unique journey.
and whichever else your evolving consciousness is able to handle,
and within my power to convey.
we'll be working on
physical, mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual
layers / aspects and master them as required.
not only you will learn, but unlearn,
and may begin to revive your many bodies / layers,
depending on your current capacity.
simple example :
- firstly I'll contemplate on behalf of you,
- then I'll show you why and how to,
- then we'll do it,
- then you do, while I neutrally observe and guide,
- training wheels off, as you would know how and what needs to be done, but of course i'm still alive if in need.
when an evolving being gets exposed to a higher frequency,
they recognize it, if it's what they're after,
then begins to resonate with it,
once back in their natural habitat,
they may consciously and/or subconciously begin to alter / revive
their consciousness, mind, life, and the surrounding
to suit their new frequency.
extreme example:
when a shot's fired, it leaves the gun barrel at the same speed,
as it reaches it's target.
not everything is about having a linearly ‘structured’ content or ‘none’, sometimes it is an intuitive dance in the spectrum
between structure and freedom to flow,
like assembling of a jigsaw puzzle,
where every piece is paramount,
and placed with with purpose, intent, and appropriateness,
to truly bring out the final big picture to life,
where meaning emerges through connection.
hence the process itself defies rigid and/or linear rules and structure.
As we all evolve in quite unique ways.
welcome to spiral; time, structure and learnings.
time to break attachments to non-serving frames.
transference of knowledge and information,
at a rate of your current capacity for
absorption, retention, comprehension, resonation,
application, realization, integration, and transformation.
is completely free of charge,
then I highly value my TIME and ENERGY
as it is yet to be abundant in this realm,
and that's all there is for my evolution as well.
plus it's my current earning potential,
if I had the time and energy for myself.
hence it's a
and to freshen up to be present and hold space for you,
now that's a bargain in all fairness :)
it's wise to have your finances in order at this stage.
In saying that,
I pay a 5% fee to the card payment gateways.
If you opt to make a Direct Fund Transfer instead,
a 5% discount is offered to you at the checkout.
Cancellation Policy;
- 14 days prior to appointment 100% refund or reschedule.
- less than 14 days prior to appointment,
no refunds, no reschedules, only re-booking.
(it would give you a good gauge on the level of;
discipline, punctuality, planning ahead,
communication, commitment,
establishment of boundaries,
you currently hold, and
how you value your's to another's time and energy.
plus my bodies go througn drastic variations,
in my evolution journey,
yet it can take a while to prep up for a session.)
- cancellation by myself, 100% refund or reschedule.
it is an authentic and unconditionally loving tone
of a being who's in his true power and has
utilized his masculine and feminine energies
accordingly, in composing this.
the site is intentionally designed in such a way,
to test your own personal resonances
and discernment.
either you would resonate or wouldn't,....atleast yet.
may you be guided to check back,
when you are truly in alignment !!!
PS :
what irritates us,
can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.
easier to heal what one can feel,
than not.
if you don't prefer it (with no emotional charge),
that's perfectly fine. it's harmless.
but if there's an internal clash,
like irritance (with a negative emotional charge)
now it's something, that's harmful to you.
sure you feel it.
I could guide you,
how to;
transmute, neutralize and then NOT DO.
unless you think it serves you well.,
atleast yet ;)
I've learnt that going back and forth on chats,
is a waste of time and energy on both the parties.
plus I also have an open and a loving heart,
which can get misused
if the correct boundaries aren't in place.
now I wouldn't even lift a thought,
until the truly interested being;
make an investment from their part (a booking),
answer the questionnaires (with a real effort true to their heart
- as they have already invested)
and then if I think I can be of any help, I would respond.
if not 100% refund,
though it takes my time and energy to analyze the answers.
filters out a lot of unnecessary wastage.
as I prefer Quality over Quantity.
unless I offer personally, mainly it's through referrals
and referrer gets a fair value exchange
as the same as I do, for 30mins.
so they've been more than happy to clear out
any curiosities first hand,
which can hardly take that long
and honestly it hadn't been for the incentive,
but to help another,
FAQ answers the rest.
which I thought, I should confirm.
anything else I've left,
for one to feel a resonance with the intended vibe
I hold and expressed through many dimensions.
I'm not quite sure yet that you should reach me directly,
I'd need to learn a bit more, to see if I can actually help you.
so sign up, make a reservation, fill up the questionnaires,
(only 2 hrs in person appointments are available for the initial session)
if I think I can help you,
I'll get back to you, with my availability.
otherwise, expect a 100% refund.
*only 2 hrs in person appointments are available for the initial session
then can reserve upto a maximum of 8 hrs in person and calls.